Collegio enfantil, Beira, Mozambique
O Infantário Provincial “Os Continuadores” is a government social institution, non-profit, under the supervision of the Provincial Department of Women and Social Action, operating since 1975 on Protection of Orphan and Vulnerable Children, the level of Sofala Province that works in co-management with Civil Society, through Projecto Colégio Infantil, since 2000.
The Projecto Colégio Infantil emerged for having found that the nursery needed to be strengthened to provide the appropriate response to social and family problems that affect children at this Province.
O Infantário Provincial “Os Continuadores” is located in Beira City, the FPLM Street, 2000, 1st neighborhood-Macuti, in Sofala Province, Republic of Mozambique.
The target group
An average of 200 children, aged 0 to 5 years are admitted provisionally in the institution, because they lose their mothers prematurely, lose their family, are abandoned, are victims of physical and psychological abuse, victims of human trafficking, families in conflict with the law and other social problems.
These children that come from the neighborhood´s of the Beira city , the districts of Sofala Province and other provinces such as Tete, Manica, Zambezia and Inhambane and many more from Mozambique.
O Infantário Provincial “Os Continuadores” during the 16 years of civil war in Mozambique from 1976 to 1992 had a very important role in emergency reception of children lost and orphaned from their families, from various parts of the country, after ensuring the family reunification of many of these children.
After the Peace Accords, decreases the number of children in kindergarten, but also to receive and meet affected children by social and economic problems and the aftermath left by armed conflict. Since 2000, the pandemic of HIV/AIDS, which is mainly affecting this province, the number of families and orphans and vulnerable children around the rise and the nursery today plays an important role in solving many of these cases.

The objectives of the plan are the following: Lessen the impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans and vulnerable children; develop the institutional capacity in order to act in the area of intervention of HIV/AIDS; develop the community’s capacity to take part in the care of HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children; make sure the management and assessment system is working to manage and assess the response.
Previous propositions are linked to one of various factors that have directed the design of this project. This project is designed to signifi cantly contribute to the efforts undertaken either by the government or by the society’s various institutions which aim is a combined intervention of activities.
The project will associate various components in its introduction and execution, particularly vocational training, pre-schooling, and rehabilitation and psychosocial support to the orphaned and vulnerable children.

Development of labor
According to the main purpose - Child Protection at risk, our work is developed in three specific area:
I. The Care of Children orphaned and vulnerable in the Community;
II. The emergency care for children at risk, a boarding provisional;
III. The Reintegration of Children in own Families, extended, or adoption.
The emergency of the work, in many cases with the child at risk, the requirement in many cases to resort to an internship, the Infantário Provincial “Os Continuadores” is open 24 hours a day, every day, including weekend and publics holidays.
The programs are directed and managed by a board, consisting of officials from the Provincial Directorate of Women and Social Action and members of civil society, associated with the College Child Project, a joint effort to provide daily services for scales and shifts, necessary for routine daily each of these children.
The working group is distributed among various sectors and services, such as the Daily Maternal Care, Preventive Health Care and Healing, Care, Education and leisure activities, psycho-social work with families and the Community.
Expenditure and Financing
The running costs are quite high, especially with regard to care in a boarding provisionally children aged 0 to 5 years old.
This expenditure is part of a reimbursable by the Government, expenditure on food, water, electricity and a small number of human resources. But its not enough to cover the real needs of this group of children.
The accounts have been audited by independent auditors and Finance, according to the requirement of the partners.
The funds for operating expenses of the institution are in bank accounts at Standard Bank in the City of Beira, separated according to the standards and requirements of each partner.
The institution is registered in finance with the No. 500038527.