The Association was formed under Law No. 1072 of 27th June 1984 and Ministerial Decree No. 84- 582 of 25th September l984, for a duration of fifty years from its governmental authorization. The statutes of the association dated 28th June 2006, were approved by the Princely Government under a Decree issued by His Excellency the Minister of State on 3rd August 2006, number 2006-418. The registered office of the Association is located in MONACO (Monte Carlo), 29, boulevard d'Italie, MC 98000 Monaco. Bank References : The Association’s bank account, in three currencies, is held with CMB Monaco, 17 Avenue des Spélugues in MONACO (MC 98000). The office of Me. Aureglia (secretary of AMOR) will issue receipts for funds donated to AMOR.
Tasha de Vasconcelos Chairman and Founder
Paul Louis Aureglia Secretary
Bettina Ragazzoni
Yann Malgherini
Michael Smurfit
Louisette Levy–Soussan Azzoaglio
Vincent Bolloré
François Pinault
Paul Newman Foundation
Fondation Sancta Devota
Groupe Bolloré
Lakshmi Mittal Foundation
Louis Vuitton
Beiersdorf - Nivea
François Pinault
Banco de Chile
Lundin Foundation
Foundation Afflelou
Forstmann Little & Co
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
H.E. President José Manuel Barroso
H.E. Doctor Joyce Banda
H.E. President Armando Guebuza
H.E. President Pr. Peter Mutharika
First Lady of Malawi Gertrude Mutharika