Outreach mobile clinic
Outreach clinic with Dr Chris Brooks, Dr Halden Ndjiko and nurs
“In each of our two clinics and numerous mobile clinics we see well over 500 people a day - and the growth trend seems to have no end in sight. Sti ll, we are making a real diff erence in health care in Malawi with signifi cantly reduced rates of HIV/AIDS and other serious diseases. We are thrilled that AMOR has enabled us to bring quality maternal care into a region of Malawi that is in desperate need.”

Outreach mobile clinics with Lifeline Malawi
Cambridge trained Dr. Brooks, M.A., M.B., B.Chir., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.T.M.H., along with his wife Heather and daughter Chloe, left a successful medical practi ce in Canada to establish LM’s fi rst medical outreach in the lakeshore community of Ngodzi, Malawi - a rural community of 40,000 people some 100 km southeast of the capital city of Lilongwe. The health conditi ons and medical needs of the local Yao tribe’s people were desperate, as there were no trained medical personnel and there was no local access to medicines.
From very humble beginnings, Lifeline Malawi’s work has blossomed into a formidable success that treats some 150,000 people a year from two established rural health centres located in Ngodzi and Kasese. Additi onally, numerous mobile clinics reach deep into rural areas of Malawi to bring medicine to the people and have greatly benefi ted the overall health of these communiti es.